Noah Valdez’s Story

Noah Valdez is 15 years old and is located in La Habra, California. He was diagnosed with Acute Myeliod Leukemia on March 14, 2022.  Noah loves to play basketball and is the captain of his team.  He’s a loving, caring kid that loves to play video games, make people laugh, and is always there for his friends.  Noah has been hospitalized for 130 days, treatments lasting anywhere from 30-40 days in-patient.   He then gets to go home for 5-10 days for a break while his counts recover.  Noah has been an amazing warrior through this season of his life and the NoahStrong Foundation wants to support his fight!

Because of your donations, we are able to provide Noah and his mom gift cards for gas and groceries along with a little NoahStrong swag. Thank you for helping us to change lives!

Here’s How You Can Help

Every donation helps us to fulfill our Mission! You can get involved by donating gift cards in any denomination (Walmart, Target, Visa, Starbucks, Chic-Fil-A, Uber, Gas, Groceries, etc.).

You can also go to the NoahStrong Foundation FaceBook page and use the “donate” button to make a monetary donation or use our Venmo @Noah-Strong-7 to help us continue our Mission. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.